Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Planetside 2

Answer the following questions on your blog:

Use the Planetside 2 Wikipedia entry to answer the following questions:

  1. What is Planetside 2? Planetside 2 is an MMOFPS (Massively Multiplayer On-line First Person Shooter) game that is free to play on-line. It is a war game set in a sci-fi environment. 
  2. What genre does the game belong to? Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter
  3. Planetside 2 developer/publisher: Sony online entertainment 
  4. When was it launched? July 7th 2011
  5. How does the gameplay work? Planetside 2 is free to play open world persistent MMOFPS. In Planetside 2 players fight in epic large scale battles across a variety of landscapes during the day and night. Each area within Planetside 2 supports up to 2000 players in one battle simultaneously.
  6. What are the six different player classes in the game? 
1. Infiltrator
2. Light Assault
3. Combat Medic
4. Engineer
5. Heavy Assault
6. Max
Business model
Now look at the section on the Planetside 2 business model.
  1. How much does Planetside 2 cost to play? Its free. 
  2. What does a subscription offer to players? Increased experience, points, and extra resources.
  3. What can the in-game currency be used to buy? Aircraft's, Vehicles, Medical kits. 
  4. Why do some players dislike games in which users can buy additional weapons or health? Because it usually doesn't require genuine skill and its in a way "fake".  

The three factions
Summarise the three factions that players can join in the game:

The Terran Republic: All about houner, duty, justice, etc. 
The Vanu Sovereignty: All about enlightenment, truth, wisdom, etc. 
The New Conglomerates: All about death, anger, disorder, etc.

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