Saturday, 7 September 2013

Homework- Analyzing Adverts using L.I.A.R.

Hiyaaaa, so today was basically the first official day of doing Media and guess what?! So far so good!

 This week I have been set a homework task to find and then analyze a print advert of a recent video game. I need to write the analysis using the four  main "ingredients" of media -language, institution, audience & representation.The video game advert that I've decided to analyze is "little big planet". I've chosen this game simply because its a very intriguing game & makes you feel as if your in a completely different world. Therefore i think it would be a good advert to analyze as the game is no where near boring!


This advert has included the title, caption, logo, game screen shots, console logo and images of the main character to make up the key codes and conventions of the ad.The slogan of the advert, "Play. Create. Share." is short yet very catchy and really sums the game very well. The way the language has been presented gives an effect that the game is entertaining and adventurous due to the fact that the advert is packed with info yet, in a very well presented manner. 

The game was originally created by a company called media molecule and then it was later published by Sony computer entertainment. Its available to play on a number of play station platforms such as; the PlayStation 3 (PS3), PlayStation Portable (PSP) and the PlayStation vita (PSV) however the platform of origin was originally the PS3. Both the company's behind the game are multinationals, meaning they are massive institutions.

The game is rated a 7+ therefore i believe its mainly aimed at kids from the age of 7 to the age of 12. Although the game is highly popular for teenagers up to the age of 16. I think the game would be targeted at an audience of a mixed gender as the game advert has aspects for girls and boys therefore, it would attract a mix of both genders. However, i do believe that it may appeal to females slightly more due to the lack of action (as males tend to prefer more action-packed games). 

The advert is presented well as it includes the slogan, logo, characters, etc. This really gives you a rough idea of what the game is about. Based on the way the advert has been presented, you can tell its mainly aimed at the younger generation. Also judging by the colours on the advert, it seems that there is alot of pink and this would therefore attract girls more as pink is quite a feminine colour. However on the advert & the game all characters are cartoons, and if you notice, none of the characters are categorized in genders. This could mean its not aimed at any particular gender. 

Ana :) 


  1. Ana, what an incredible start to GCSE media. Your fruitbowl is exceptional and shows off your creativity in such a refreshing way. A couple of WWWs and EBIs for you to have a look at.

    WWW: Well done, professionally presented and formatted. A great start to Media.

    WWW: You’ve covered all of the bases and have obviously spent a considerable amount of time constructing your analysis.

    EBI: Your analysis was deeper – the examiner will want to know of any inferences you could make based on the evidence that was in front of you.
    Action: FULLY explain all of your points, including why you think the audience is of a certain demographic and exactly what effect the colours/images/institution/reputation would have had on the target audience

    Keep up the good work Ana!


  2. Ana, what an incredible start to GCSE media. Your fruitbowl is exceptional and shows off your creativity in such a refreshing way. A couple of WWWs and EBIs for you to have a look at.

    WWW: Well done, professionally presented and formatted. A great start to Media.

    WWW: You’ve covered all of the bases and have obviously spent a considerable amount of time constructing your analysis.

    EBI: Your analysis was deeper – the examiner will want to know of any inferences you could make based on the evidence that was in front of you.
    Action: FULLY explain all of your points, including why you think the audience is of a certain demographic and exactly what effect the colours/images/institution/reputation would have had on the target audience

    Keep up the good work Ana!

